Home2022September (Page 129)

WIM VAN T EINDE-UNSPLASHThe death of Queen Elizabeth II has dominated the news since she passed away at 6:30 p.m. of Thursday, Sept. 8, at Balmoral Castle in Scotland.For us in the Philippines who have never been under extended occupation by the British empire except

SETYAKI IRHAM-UNSPLASHAlmost three months into the new administration and the President is still to appoint a permanent Health Secretary. Meantime, the battle against COVID-19 continues, the state of public health emergency remains, and the threat of the local spread of monkeypox and the possible resurgence

ERIC ROTHERMEL-UNSPLASHA DECLARED “open door” policy (my door is open… you can drop in on me anytime) in practice only applies to those higher up the corporate ladder. Everybody else, including those on the same level (but with lower Guaranteed Annual Cash Compensation), need to