Home2024March (Page 51)

ROAD AHEAD-UNSPLASHSpace technology has more practical uses than many would imagine.It’s easy to see space technology as something quite literally out of this world when there are plenty of urgent concerns and issues we must attend to here on the Earth’s surface.But while it is

SOS Africa, in partnership with Shepton Mallet Prison and Aardvark Endeavours, is proud to announce a groundbreaking charity abseil event on June 15th and 16th, 2024. The event, set against the backdrop of the prison’s 400-year history, aims to raise funds for the SOS Africa

<?xml encoding="utf-8" ?????????>Luxury carmaker Bentley is capitalising on the growing trend among the globe’s wealthiest individuals who are choosing to invest hundreds of thousands of pounds in “levels of personalisation that we’ve never seen before,” according to company statements.Despite widespread economic challenges, Bentley’s CEO, Adrian