TSSA Staff Embark on 15 Days of Industrial Action Over Management Dispute

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Today (Tuesday 4 June), staff at the Transport and Salaried Staff Association (TSSA) have initiated a series of strikes, starting with a one-day walkout. The strike action will escalate, adding an extra day each week until it culminates in nine consecutive days of strikes from 25 June, amounting to a total of 15 days of industrial action, due to an ongoing dispute with management.

The dispute involves allegations of workplace bullying, harassment, financial mismanagement, and the neglect of agreed policies and procedures aimed at creating a more inclusive workplace culture.

Andrew Harden, GMB London Region Organiser, stated:

“The leadership of TSSA failed to respond to concerns raised by GMB members at an ACAS meeting. Now staff have been forced to take unprecedented strike action, 15 days of action they feel necessary to push their trade union employer to take their dispute seriously.

“The strike action will severely impact the TSSA union’s ability to service its members effectively. TSSA members should ask why the Union’s staff feel compelled to take strike action against management who should understand the role and ethics of the trade union movement.

“TSSA GMB Staff representatives remain willing to attend a further meeting at ACAS with the employer to facilitate meaningful talks and resolve this dispute.”

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