Lawmaker bats for UP Board membership expansion


A PROPOSAL to expand the University of the Philippines’ (UP) Board of Regents (BoR) membership is seen to boost the state university’s research capabilities, a congressman said on Sunday.

In a statement, Quezon City Rep. Marvin D. Rillo said he filed House Bill No. 7821 to add board representation to research and administrative staff, which comprise 14% of the entire staff and student body of the UP system nationwide.

“Our measure, once enacted, will make UP more democratic. It will ensure that every sector in the system enjoys a distinct voice and vote in the BoR,” said Mr. Rillo. “It will also further boost UP’s institutional research capabilities.”

The BoR is the governing body of UP with stakeholder representation in policy-making, which includes students, teaching, and non-teaching personnel.

He said amending the UP Charter of 2008 to expand UP’s BoR would also make staff and student representation in the university “more democratic.”

The UP Board comprises the chair of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), the university president, heads of the Senate and House higher education committees, one regent each from alumni, faculty, administrative and research, and student bodies, three regents appointed by the president, and the university secretary. — Kenneth Christiane L. Basilio

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