Research reveals 412% surge in employment at Scotland’s rewilding sites

Scotland’s rewilding efforts have not only tackled the nature and climate emergencies, but have also significantly boosted job numbers at sites across the country. According to new research from Rewilding Britain, an analysis of 13 major rewilding projects spanning almost 60,000 hectares has revealed a 412% increase in jobs since rewilding began. These projects, which are owned or managed by charities, communities, private landowners, and public bodies, have seen a five-fold increase in full-time equivalent jobs, from 24 to 123.

Kevin Cumming, Rewilding Britain’s Rewilding Director and Deputy Convenor of the Scottish Rewilding Alliance, states, “These remarkable job creation figures show how rewilding can turbocharge social and economic benefits for people, while offering hope for reversing biodiversity loss and tackling climate breakdown.” He also emphasizes the potential for Scotland to become the world’s first Rewilding Nation, calling on the Scottish Government to commit to nature recovery across 30% of land and sea.

The rewilding sites, which vary in size and began their rewilding efforts at different times, have all seen significant increases in job numbers. Trees for Life’s 4,000-hectare Dundreggan estate near Loch Ness has seen jobs rise from one to 36 since the rewilding charity’s purchase in 2008. The community-owned Tarras Valley Nature Reserve in Dumfries and Galloway has also seen an increase in jobs, from one to six, since its creation in 2020-2022 after the town of Langholm raised £6m to buy the former grouse moor.

In addition to job creation, the rewilding sites have also seen a surge in volunteer numbers, with a combined total of 435 volunteers across all sites. These volunteers have the opportunity to gain valuable skills and experience while contributing to the restoration of habitats and wildlife.

Despite Scotland’s progress in rewilding, it remains one of the most nature-depleted countries on Earth. Intensive agriculture and climate breakdown are the biggest threats to habitats and wildlife, and the Scottish Rewilding Alliance’s Rewilding Nation Charter is calling on the Scottish Government to declare Scotland a rewilding nation. The alliance believes that rewilding 30% of Scotland can be achieved without loss of productive farmland, by restoring habitats such as peatlands, native woodlands, wetlands, rivers, and seas.

As more data becomes available, Rewilding Britain will continue to add to their findings on job creation from rewilding projects. The Scottish Rewilding Alliance’s Rewilding Nation Charter has already been signed by thousands of people, indicating growing support for Scotland to become a rewilding nation.

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