Home2024June (Page 11)

The UK property market in 2024 has shown notable unpredictability. Initially influenced by pandemic-related activity and government incentives, it faced challenges in late 2023 due to rising interest rates and a cost-of-living crisis, particularly affecting high-value areas like London, resulting in a dip in house

Scarlett Johansson, renowned actress and producer, has recently spoken out about her dispute with AI company OpenAI, shedding light on the vulnerability of individuals to the misuse of technology. Johansson shared her thoughts on the issue while promoting her latest film, Fly Me To The

By Rep. Rodante Marcoleta, SAGIP Party-List An investigative piece by the US-based journal Politico has cast a spotlight on Miru Systems, questioning the deployment of their voting technology in Iraq and Congo — nations supported by US election funding but plagued by technical glitches. More than