Home2024June (Page 126)

MICHAL PARZUCHOWSKI-UNSPLASHGAMING COMPANIES catering to Filipino players should prioritize addressing security risks, including location information, to ensure the integrity of their transactions, app development and mobile security platform provider Appdome, Inc. said.“Because the Philippines has legalized and regulates online gambling, this is an important revenue

1 of 7By Dylan AfuangTHROUGH VINFAST Auto, Vietnam is now present in the global electric vehicle space — competing against makers from North America, China, Europe, Japan, and South Korea. And as part of its global expansion, the Vietnamese electric two- and four-wheeler manufacturer has

PHILIPPINE STAR/ MICHAEL VARCASBy Ashley Erika O. Jose, ReporterTHE Department of Transportation (DoTr) said it is engaging the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for technical support for  the Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA) Busway project.This comes after Megawide Construction Corp.’s (Megawide) unsolicited proposal was returned, Transportation

FREEPIKBy Abigail Marie P. Yraola, Deputy Research HeadNOT ALL are qualified for bank loans.But the need for financial assistance is ever present for some people. And to address these financial needs, some individuals prefer to use lending apps.Frankie Garcia, 52, a manager at an information