Home2024June (Page 151)

(Part 1) On April 26, I participated in the Palawan Stakeholders’ Congress on Mining and the Environment (PSC-ME) held in Puerto Princesa. Among the more than 100 participants were provincial officials and heads of LGUs, top officials from the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources

A view of a bank building in Manila, July 1, 2014. — REUTERS/ROMEO RANOCOBANK of the Philippine Islands (BPI) has launched a loan product specifically for cancer treatment called LavLoans, it said on Monday.“We want to provide specialized financing solutions to ease the financial challenges

<?xml encoding="utf-8" ?????????>After many months of speculation, we now know the general election date: 4 July 2024. The political parties’ manifestos have yet to be published. However, we do know the Labour Party’s proposals regarding employment law because these were set out in Labour’s Plan

<?xml encoding="utf-8" ?????????>The number of visas available to migrants would be reduced each year under a new Conservative government, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has promised.This new policy will allow MPs to vote on annual government proposals aimed at regularly reducing immigration numbers, based on recommendations