Home2024June (Page 56)

On Michelin stars, food awards, and fast food By Howard Chua-Eoan WHEN you can pay for any number of famous chefs to cater your economy-shaking concert tour, but you choose a takeout chain instead… Taylor Swift’s decision to pick Greggs — the United Kingdom’s (UK) beloved bakery-turned-takeaway franchise

PHILIPPINE STAR/RYAN BALDEMORTHE DEPARTMENT of Transportation (DoTr) is now evaluating the unsolicited proposal of the Metro Pacific Investments Corp. (MPIC) to integrate the operations of the Metro Line Transit Line 3 (MRT-3) and the Light Rail Transit Line 1 (LRT-1).“The proposal was first submitted to

1 of 5Sheraton Manila Bay’s Tour de France du Vin 2024WINE enthusiasts and connoisseurs are invited to a journey through the vineyards of France via Sheraton Manila Bay’s Tour de France du Vin 2024, held in partnership with Le Cellier French Wine Selection. The wine