Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın: A Vanguard in Spinal Treatment with Innovative Microdiscectomy and Spinal Canal Stenosis Surgeries

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Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın is a trailblazer in spinal health care, delivering state-of-the-art medical solutions and heralding a new age in back pain alleviation with his committed career and profound expertise in spinal surgery.

Having successfully conducted over 2800 aneurysm procedures and more than 400 AVM operations, Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın is notable for his customized patient care strategy, ensuring the utmost patient well-being and satisfaction throughout the treatment trajectory.

Aydın’s Revolutionary Technique in Spinal Surgery

The Aydın Technique, devised by Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın, marks a significant leap in spinal surgery, introducing precise interventions for spinal stenosis and spinal cord compression without relying on metal fixtures, thus minimizing tissue damage. This approach includes day-case treatments for disc herniations, non-invasive solutions for cervical disc herniation, and effective strategies for spinal canal stenosis due to cervical calcification.

Utilizing a unilateral approach for bilateral decompression in spinal stenosis treatments, Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın has effectively employed this technique in over 4,000 instances for nearly 23 years. “Our goal is to preserve the natural structure and mobility of the spine while providing more room to squeezed spinal nerves,” he declares. He emphasizes the condition’s prevalence in older individuals and the general surgical preference for instrumented methods, which involve lengthy and invasive operations, delaying the patient’s recovery. He promotes shorter, less invasive procedures for the elderly to minimize post-operative complications, underlining the necessity for immediate mobility post-surgery.

“By using a unilateral approach, on the symptomatic side, we can decompress the spinal canal stenosis and clean disc herniations effectively, minimizing the risk of ‘Adjacent Segment Disease’ and ensuring a faster return to normal life for our patients.” This method is also suitable for treating multi-level stenosis through the same incision without impairing the spine’s structural resilience.

Innovative Natural Window Technique on the Spine

In treating spinal stenosis, Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın employs a distinctive method that sidesteps the complications common to traditional screw and rod systems. While these traditional techniques are adept at treating traumatic fractures or spinal conditions arising from tumour growth, they can disrupt the spine’s natural biomechanics, often leading to further interventions.

With his extensive background in over 10,000 surgical procedures, Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın’s method involves creating a natural portal on one side of the spine to conduct the necessary surgeries without compromising spinal stability. This approach retains joint functionality and prevents the development of adjacent segment disease, enabling patient discharge within a day post-surgery.

Enhanced Recovery with Less Invasive Techniques

“The key to successful spinal surgery lies in respecting the integrity of the spine’s supporting structures,” Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın points out. By employing advanced surgical tools like the high-speed drill and Kairison bone cutter, these procedures can be executed in a way that is less invasive, reduces blood loss, and enhances efficiency. Additionally, by conserving the yellow ligament in microdiscectomy, the risk of tissue damage is reduced, thereby diminishing the chance of nerve adhesions and the incidence of failed back surgery syndrome.

Patients undergoing these sophisticated spinal surgeries experience significantly shorter hospital stays, with many being discharged on the same or the following day. Most are able to resume their regular activities within 15 days, reflecting the minimal invasiveness of these surgical approaches.

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